Elaborei este blog com o objetivo de divulgar boas experiências e atividades desenvolvidas a fim de interagir e socializar com meus alunos e colegas de trabalho questões educacional.

segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2020


SCHOOL - Escola Municipal Aloísio Cedraz                                                                 ICHU – BAHIA                      DATE ______/______/2020                 TEACHER - Ailton                                            DISCIPLINE-  Inglês
STUDENT -  ______________________________________________________ SERIE 8ºano
Ted, Bob, Mary and Jane like sports.They are in the club now.
Ted likes basketball. He is playing basketball.
Bob likes football. He is playing football.
He is shooting the ball now.
Mary likes tennis. She is playing tennis with Roberta.
Jane likes to swim.
An old man is reading a newspaper.
Sports are good to develop our body and our mind.


Answer: (Responda:)
1. Ted, Bob, Mary and Jane:              (      ) like music           (      ) like sports                  (      ) like eat

2. Ted likes:                (      ) football            (      ) like eat              (      ) basketball

3. Mary is playing tennis:       (      ) with Jane                      (      ) with Roberta     (      ) with Mariana

4. Jane:            (      ) likes to play tennis                   (     )likes to house                 (      ) likes to swim

5. An old man:    (      ) is reading a newspaper          (      ) is reading a book         (      ) is reading a magazine

Find in the text and copy. (Encontre no texto e copie)
a. Esportes são bons para desenvolver nosso corpo e nossa mente.
b. Ele está chutando a bola agora.
c. Ele está jogando basquete.
d. Jane gosta de nadar.
e. Um velho está lendo um jornal.
f. Eles estão no clube agora.

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