Elaborei este blog com o objetivo de divulgar boas experiências e atividades desenvolvidas a fim de interagir e socializar com meus alunos e colegas de trabalho questões educacional.

segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2020


SCHOOL - Escola Municipal Aloísio Cedraz                                                                 ICHU – BAHIA                      DATE ______/______/2020                   TEACHER -Ailton                                            DISCIPLINE-  Inglês
STUDENT -  ______________________________________________________ SERIE 7º ano

Good evening, respectable public!Welcome to Kosmos circus!
We are the artists of this circus.
I am Pluft. I am the magician.
Thisis Marylin! She is a trapezist.
Those are jane, Rose and julie.They are dancers.
This is Alan. He is a clown.
These are Peter and Ted.They are little clowns.
A rabbit! It is a Rabbit!
Good night, respectable public and thank you!

Answer according to the text. (Responda de acordo com o texto)
1.      The name of the circus is:                 (     ) York Circus                    (     )Kosmos Circus
2.      Pluft is:           (     ) a dancer             (     )a magician                      (     ) a trapezit
3.      Alan is:           (     ) a dancer             (     )a magician                      (     ) a clown
4.      What is the name of the magician?
The name of the magician is...............................................................
5.      What is the name of the clown?
The name of the clown is   ...................................................
6.      What are the  names of the little clowns ?
The  names of the little clowns are  ..............................  and  ....................................
7.      What are the  names of the dancers?
The name of the dancers are ..........................   ...........................,  ...........................
8.      Cosmos Circus show is:                     (     ) in the morning              (     )in the evening
9.      The trapezista is:         (     ) a man                (     ) a woman            (     ) an animal
10.   The clown is:              (     ) a man                (     ) a woman            (     ) an animal
11.   The rabbit is:              (     ) a man                (     ) a woman            (     ) an animal
12.  Jane is:                        (     ) a boy                (     ) a girls    
13.  Peter is:                       (     ) a boy                 (     ) a girls                             (     ) a man    

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